Sophias Tuesday Latin Nights Are Taking A Break !
As of Tuesday, September 10, 2002, we have placed
Tuesday Latin Fire on hold until further notice.
We hope to resume our Tuesday activities at
Sophia's in the future, and hope you have
enjoyed our past events.
Please contact us any time for updates on
our dance class & party offerings.
We (Hips On Fire) have resumed teaching our
Tuesday classes at MIT from 8:30 - 10:00 p.m.
at the Lobby of Sloan Building (E52).
Best Regards,
Hips On Fire's Seemore & Cristina &
Dan & Chantale
For More Information and for Class & Event Schedules Contact:
FreEMotion: (617) 970-1444 or dan_y_marshall@prodigy.net
or Log onto www.freemotion.org/upcomingevents.html
Hips On Fire: (617) 627-9988 or hipsonfire@yahoo.com
or Log onto www.hipsonfire.com