Wednesday Classical Salsa & Smooth
Footwork & Partnering Lessons!
Are No Longer Being Held!
As of Wednesday, October 23, 2002, we have placed
Wednesday Classical Salsa & Smooth on hold until further notice.
We hope to resume our Wednesday Classes in the future,
and hope you have enjoyed our past classes.
Please contact FreEMotion any time for updates on
our dance class & party offerings.
Best Regards,
Dan Y. Marshall
For More Information and for Class & Event Schedules Contact:
FreEMotion: (617) 970-1444 or dan_y_marshall@prodigy.net
or Log onto www.freemotion.org/upcomingevents.html
(The following is the original advertisement for this class offering.)
We Are Proud To Announced Our Newest Offering:
Wednesday Classical Salsa & Smooth
Footwork & Partnering Lessons!
Taught by FreEMotion's Dan Y. Marshall & Partner
Beginning on September 25, 2002
At the Brazilian Cultural Center of New England's Main Studio!
Have you ever wanted to dance with a new partner and
have such a good
connection that people are convinced you have been dancing for a long
time? Or, would you like to travel across the floor effortlessly, and
still be able to perform quick and highly technical combinations, and
maintain your smoothness and sharpness? Well, look no further . . .
The inspiring setting of the Brazilian Cultural Center's
and spacious mirror-equipped 1st floor studio, and the special format
of these classes will allow us to teach you the details necessary for
you to perfect you Salsa & partnering skills, as well as improve
presentation level, footwork abilities, freedom of movement and body
part isolation, and general dance repertoire.
For More Information Contact:
FreEMotion: (617) 970-1444 or dan_y_marshall@prodigy.net
BCCNE: 310 Webster Ave., Cambridge, MA 02141, (617) 547-5343 BCCNE@mindspring.com or http://www.BCCNE.org